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triple burner中文是什么意思

用"triple burner"造句"triple burner"怎么读"triple burner" in a sentence


  • 三焦


  • Survey of current application of differentiating syndromes in sseasonal febrile diseases according to five : wel , ql , ying , xue , triple burner systems
  • In chinese medicine theory , the pathogenesis of bph is associated with qi transformation of the triple burner , impaired diffusion and downbearing of the lung , unable to govern regulation of the waterways , the splenic transformation failure and unable to upbear the clear and downbear the turbid , damp - heat pouring down into the bladder , kidney vacuity and yang debilitation , qi transformation disturbance of lower burner , so the bph is caused by the disturbance of qi transformation in the lung , spleen and kidney triple burner
用"triple burner"造句  
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